
Broad library of applications already available on Cardea's BPU platform

August 23, 2022 bpu, bpu platform, graphene council, kiana

"As we expanded our partnerships with commercial and academic partners, as well as brought in people from different disciplines, that really enabled us to develop the broad portfolio of applications that we're offering to our partners today. The beauty of biology is that everything in our body is charged. Proteins, DNA, and RNA are all charged molecules so as these components bind to each other, we can monitor all of them on our BPU in real-time, so-called multiomics." 

- states Dr. Kiana Aran, CSO at Cardea in an interview with Terrance Barkan, executive director of the Graphene Council, and continues -

"In the digital age that we're moving towards - the Internet of Biology - we can't send our DNA sample to one lab using one instrument, send another sample for RNA analysis in another lab, and a protein to a third lab. We need to have one platform that can monitor all these different types of analytes, as this will enable us to tap into biology and look at these different biomarkers at the same time, which then really enables us to understand biology much better. Because our platform does not require optics or labelling, with the same platform you can - by changing the biology that you anchor to the BPU - detect different types of analytes. This is the future."

Today the Graphene Council and Cardea published an interview on how the wide range of applications available on Cardea’s BPU (Biosignal Processing Unit) platform facilitate the next generation of human diagnostics.

Watch the full interview here:

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